Active learning Activities with Hi-speed Video Analysis
Pornrat Wattanakasiwich1*
1Physics and Materials Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
* Presenter:Pornrat Wattanakasiwich,
Active learning is a learning method that students are actively involved in their learning process. In physics education, many research studies have been reported positive learning gain and improvement in problem-solving skills in courses teaching with active learning strategies. Active learning consists of three interrelated factors including cognitive activities, learning strategies and teaching resources. Cognitive activities such as speaking, listening, reading, writing and reflecting allow students to construct their new knowledge. The second factor is the active learning strategies such as peer instruction, group problem solving or tutorials. The third factor is the teaching resources for students to actively participate. Over the past five years, physics education research laboratory at Chiang Mai University have developed numerous hi-speed videos as teaching resources to teach mechanics in introductory and intermediate levels. Students have to analyze these hi-speed videos using Tracker free software for video analysis. Performing hi-speed video analysis enhances students’ learning with multiple representations such as graphs, diagrams, tables, and videos. Moreover, students had to design experiments to be recorded, to analyze, to apply physics principles to model the motions in the hi-speed videos and to write reports on their findings. Results from both high school students and university students were indicated positive learning experiences and positive learning gain. Currently, we are working with high school teachers to develop a curriculum for teaching mechanics with hi-speed videos at Chiang Mai University Demonstration School.

Keywords: Active learning , Hi-speed video analysis, Mechanics