Testing signaling in IBM quantum computers with minimal assumptions.
Yueh-Ting Shih1*, Yi-Te Huang1, Yeong-Cherng Liang1
1物理系, 國立成功大學, 台南市, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yueh-Ting Shih, email:l26081090@ncku.edu.tw
Device-independent protocols are a novel type of information processing protocols where only minimal trust or characterization of the employed devices is needed. By adapting the prediction-based ratio (PBR) method first proposed by Zhang et al.[Phys. Rev. A84, 062118 (2011)] and further analyzed in Liang and Zhang [En-tropy21, 185 (2019)], we perform non-signaling tests of some of the quantum computers offered IBM Quantum Experience. More precisely, we perform Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt-type Bell tests on these systems and subsequently perform a hypothesis-testing—based on the raw data accrued during these tests—to determine the likelihood that the data obtained is compatible with an underlying model that is nonsignaling, i.e., with no cross talks. The strength of the present approach, in contrast with other commonly adopted benchmarking techniques, is that minimal assumptions are needed. In particular, the usually unjustified assumption of independent and identically-distributed(i.i.d.) trials are not required in our analysis.

Keywords: Prediction-based ratio (PBR), Nonsignaling, Device independent, IBM, identically-distributed (iid)