Phase-amplitude coupling of multiscale waveform for rogue wave generation in wind-driven water wave turbulence
Ji-Lin Jou1*, Wei-Shuo Lo1, Lin I1
1Department of Physics and Center for Complex Systems, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
* Presenter:Ji-Lin Jou,
Using diffusive light photography, we experimentally investigate the multiscale spatiotemporal dynamics of rogue wave formation in traveling water surface wave turbulence driven by the strong wind. It is found that the rogue waves mostly appear on the crossing tail of two crescent wind-generated wave crests. By decomposing the continuous turbulent power spectrum into empirical mode functions with a specific scale, the 2D particle structure exhibit tilted and ruptured wave crest is identified around the extreme event. From the wave-particle interaction in the Lagrangian view, the spatiotemporal waveforms determine the focusing wave field. Together with the phase-amplitude synchronization of multiscale wave crests, the rogue wave generation is facilitated by the hierarchical relationship among different scales.
Keywords: Rogue wave, Wave turbulence , Wind induced wave, Mode-mode coupling