27/January /2021 (Wed.) |
Time | Scientific Program Schedule | Time | Meetings & Satellite Events |
10:00- 11:00 | Registration (CC) | 10:00- 11:00 | |
11:00- 12:20 | Lunch (CC、DL) | 11:00- 12:00 | Poster Review Pre-meeting (CC 310) | Meeting of the Committee on Women in Physics (SB II 304) | 物理學會學生分會會員成立餐會 TPS Student Chapter Kick-off Reception (SB II 103) |
12:00- 16:30 | |
12:20-12:40 | Opening Ceremony’s Performance (Auditorium) | |
12:40-12:50- | Break |
12:50- 14:00 | Opening Ceremony (Auditorium) |
14:00- 14:10 | Break |
14:10- 15:00 | Plenary Talk Dr. Sungkit Yip (Auditorium) |
15:00- 15:10 | Break |
15:10- 16:00 | Plenary Talk Prof. Hans-Joachim Freund (Auditorium) |
16:00- 16:30 | Break |
16:30- 18:00 | O1: Parallel session (CC) | 16:30- 17:30 | CJP Full Editorial Board Meeting (SB II 304) | 美國真空協會台灣分會: 尖端新穎掃描探測技術 AVS Taiwan Chapter: Advances in Scanned Probe Miscroscopy (CC 109 ) |
17:30- 18:30 | 科技政策與物理社群發展論壇 (CCYML H T Hall) |
| |
18:00- 18:10 | Break |
18:10- 20:10 | P1: Poster Session (SC) | Reception (SC) | |
18:30- 20:10 | Break |
20:10- 21:00 | | 20:10- 21:00 | Poster Review Meeting (I) (CC 310) |
Auditorium:禮堂 (Chung Cheng Hall中正樓)
CC:Chen Chih Hall教學大樓
SC:Student Center活動中心
SB II:Science Building Ⅱ科學館
DL:Dickson Lee Hall 2F Tsung Cho-Chang Memorial Hall 維澈樓二樓宗倬章紀念廳
CCYML H T Hall: Chang Ching Yu Memorial Library 1F Hsiu Te Hall:張靜愚紀念圖書館一樓秀德廳
It will be announced on-site and posted on the website, if the date or location of the activity is changed.
28/January /2021 (Thu.) |
Time | Scientific Program Schedule | Time | Meetings & Satellite Events |
09:00- 10:30 | O2: Parallel session (CC) | Topical Symposia: BIO (CC 508) EES (CC 501) NM (CC 510) | 09:00- 10:30 | | 美國真空協會台灣分會:尖端新穎掃描探測技術 AVS Taiwan Chapter: Advances in Scanned Probe Miscroscopy (CC 109 ) |
10:30- 11:00 | Break | 10:30- 12:00 | 量子電腦與量子科學論壇 Quantum Computation and Quantum Science Forum (CC 112) |
11:00- 12:00 | O3: Parallel session (CC) | Topical Symposia: BIO (CC 508) EES (CC 501) |
12:00- 13:30 | Lunch (CC、DL) | 12:00- 13:00 | Executive Committee Meeting of TPS (SB II 304) | Oral Presentation Award Pre-meeting (CC 310) | 物理實作研發平台執行委員會議 (SB II 103) | 雙月刊編委會會議 (SB II 211) |
13:00- 13:30 | Board Meeting of TPS (SB II 304) |
13:30- 15:00 | O4: Oral Award Session (CC) | Topical Symposia: BIO (CC 508) EES (CC 501) NM (CC 510) | 13:30- 15:00 | |
15:00- 15:30 | P2: Poster Session (SC) | Tea time (CC & SC) | 15:00- 15:30 | | Public Forum公共論壇- 物理人的產業鏈結 (SC 1F Concert Hall) | 物理實作研發平台年會 Annual Meeting of the Platform for Physical Practice (SB II 103) |
15:30-17:00 | | 15:30- 17:00 | Author workshop 論文寫作工坊 (SB II 304) |
17:00- 18:00 | O5: Parallel session (CC)
| 17:00- 18:00 | Poster review Meeting (II) (CC 310) | Oral Award Review Meeting (SB II 304) |
18:00- 18:30 | Break | 18:00- 18:30 | |
18:30- 20:30 | Banquet 【Canceled】 | 18:30~ | |
Auditorium:禮堂 (Chung Cheng Hall中正樓)
CC:Chen Chih Hall教學大樓
Concert Hall:音樂廳
SC:Student Center活動中心
SB II:Science Building Ⅱ科學館
DL:Dickson Lee Hall 2F Tsung Cho-Chang Memorial Hall 維澈樓二樓宗倬章紀念廳
It will be announced on-site and posted on the website, if the date or location of the activity is changed.
29/January /2021 (Fri.) |
Time | Scientific Program Schedule | Time | Meetings & Satellite Events | |
09:00- 10:30 | O6: Parallel session (CC) | 09:00-12:30 | | 動手做物理教學研討會 Conference on Hands-on Physics Education 9:40~12:10 開幕與專題演講 (SC 1F Concert Hall) | 美國真空協會台灣分會:尖端新穎掃描探測技術 AVS Taiwan Chapter: Advances in Scanned Probe Miscroscopy (CC 109) | |
10:30- 11:00 | Break | |
11:00- 12:00 | Plenary Talk Prof. Carl Wieman(Auditorium) | |
12:00- 13:30 | Lunch (CC、DL) | |
12:30- 13:20 | 全國系所主任會議暨108高中課綱座談會: 學生學習歷程檔案之準備
(SB II BF B04講堂) 主辦單位:台灣物理學會& 中華民國物理教育學會 | |
13:20- 13:30 | Break | |
13:30- 14:30 | O7: Parallel session (CC) | 13:30- 15:00 | Department Chairs Meeting (SB II 304) | 動手做物理教學研討會 Conference on Hands-on Physics Education 13:30~16:30
工作坊 (SB II 103/409 & SB I B01/B02/ B03/B04) 16:30~17:20 嘉年華 <儀器展與科教創意設計成果發表> (SB I B1) | |
14:30- 14:40 | Break | |
14:40- 15:40 | O8: Parallel session (CC) | |
15:00- 15:15 | Break | |
15:15- 17:20 | | | |
15:40- 16:10 | Tea time (CC & SC) | |
16:10- 17:40 | Closing Ceremony & Awards (Auditorium) | |
17:20~ | | |
17:40~ | Farewell | |
Auditorium:禮堂 (Chung Cheng Hall中正樓)
CC:Chen Chih Hall教學大樓
Concert Hall:音樂廳
SC:Student Center活動中心
SB II:Science Building Ⅱ科學館
SB I:Science Building Ⅰ理學大樓
DL:Dickson Lee Hall 2F Tsung Cho-Chang Memorial Hall 維澈樓二樓宗倬章紀念廳
It will be announced on-site and posted on the website, if the date or location of the activity is changed.