O7 Physics of Emergent Materials Oral session will start 15 minutes earlier than other Parallel sessions.

Uploaded on 2021.01.15

O7 Physics of Emergent Materials Oral session will start 15 minutes earlier than other Parallel sessions.

Due to a system error, this session will start 15 minutes earlier with rearrangement of talk schedule. Please pay attention, thank you!

:EM 新穎材料物理 Physics of Emergent Materials
:2021/01/29, Friday, 13:15-14:30
Location:真知教學大樓Chen Chih Hall 5F R512

EM 07論文發表會比其他領域議程提前15分鐘開始進行

由於系統設定因素,導致以下EM 07論文發表將提前15分鐘進行敬請各位發表者留意,謝謝!

議程領域:EM 新穎材料物理 Physics of Emergent Materials
發表時段:2021/01/29, Friday, 13:15-14:30
發表地點:真知教學大樓Chen Chih Hall 5F R512