2021 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan Refund Announcement

Uploaded on 2021.02.05

Dear Participants of 2021 TPS Annual Meeting:

   2021 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan on Jan 27-29 was canceled. As the number of new local COVID-19 cases has increased recently, the organization committee of the 2021 TPS Annual Meeting decided to follow the guideline from the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) and cancel the meeting. Please follow the steps to claim your refund,

  1. Go to Refund page to select the type of your refund.
  2. Refund policy:
    (1) As the payment for administration costs such as printed materials, meetings, personnel, App, etc. has been made, we will refund only 75% of the registration fee. Part of the registration fee will contribute to your annual TPS membership fee. This is the default option.
    (2) If you would like to support TPS and will not claim any refund, please select others, and then “No refund necessary”. Part of the registration fee will contribute your annual TPS membership fee.
    (3) If you need a full refund, please also select others and then “Full refund”. You will not have the TPS membership this year.
    (4) We will give a full refund for the banquet.
  3. Procedures:Those who paid online with a credit card will receive the refund on your credit card and you do not need to fill in any information; those who paid with other methods, please fill in the wire transfer information. For group payment, the refund will go to the sponsor.
  4. Receipt:please login and find the Payment Status. You can download the new receipt at Receipt download.
  5. Deadline: March 31, 2021
  6. As there are more than 2000 participants, the process might take several weeks to clear. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

Best regards,
       Organization Committee of the 2021 TPS Annual Meeting



  1. 請已繳費與會者至退費(Refund)頁面填寫退費資料。
  2. 退費方式:
    (1) 由於大會已支付文宣、議程會議、人事費用、軟體程式等等相關前置作業,因此註冊費將退還75%,並保留台灣物理學會會員會籍。若退費申請截止日後未選擇其他退費方式者,將一律退還75%註冊費,並保留會籍。
    (2) 若願全力支持學會請選擇其他之無須退費,亦保留台灣物理學會會員會籍。
    (3) 如有經濟方面考量,請選擇其他之全額退費。請留意選擇全額退費將不具台灣物理學會今年度會員資格。
    (4) 晚宴費用全額退還。
  3. 退費程序:信用卡繳費者將透過線上退刷方式退還款項,無須填寫任何資料;非信用卡繳費者,請填寫匯款資料。團繳者,款項退還發起人。
  4. 新的繳費收據,請登入年會網站後,於Payment Status點選Receipt download 重新下載。
  5. 退費申請截止日:2021年3月31日
  6. 退費人數眾多,退款處理時間較長,還望各位與會者見諒。
